If you discover a bug in Bolo, please send the information requested below to
Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu>
Please check on Sumex-Aim or your local software archive to make sure that you are running the latest version of Bolo before you report a bug which may already have been fixed.
Bug reports are most valuable if they occur on a 'virgin' machine, ie no non-Apple INITs (Extensions) or Control Panels. If you are running 30 INITs and can't reproduce the bug without them, then it is hard to say what is wrong. Of course, if you can identify which particular INIT fights with Bolo then I will do what I can to remedy the incompatibility.
What was the bug?
Model of Macintosh:
System Software version:
Version of Bolo:
LocalTalk, Ethernet, Token Ring, ARA, SLIP, PPP, or something else?
If using Bolo's UDP option, what version of MacTCP?
Number of players in game:
Whether you or anyone else did some significant action at the time that the bug happened (ie join or leave an alliance, join or quit game, kill pillbox, or get killed, etc.)
Whether this bug was preceeded by any strange behaviour (eg slow or sluggish movement)
If there are any debugging messages in the message line, what they say at the moment this happens.
If it is a crashing bug (eg. a freeze or a "System Error" where you have to restart your Mac), then it is unlikely that I can solve it without a MacsBug trace. If you don't know what MacsBug is, then you'll have to ask your local Mac guru to give you a copy. MacsBug is a complicated programmers tool, but installing it in your System Folder won't harm your Mac apart from taking up some extra memory (like most other extensions) and for the purpose of reporting a Bolo bug all you have to do is print out this file and follow the instuctions below.
What I need to know is:
1. CurApName (on the left) -- should say "Bolo" if it is Bolo which caused the crash.
2. The reason given by MacsBug for the crash. (eg Address Error etc.)
3. The instructions which caused the crash, by typing "il pc-20".
4. Register values, by typing "td".
5. Stack traces, created by typing "sc6" and "sc7".
You can write this information to a file by typing:
log bolocrashreport
il pc-20
sc6 (and press return until you get to the bottom of the list)
sc7 (and press return until you get to the bottom of the list)
rs (to restart your Mac)
After your Mac restarts use the Finder's "Find" command to locate the bolocrashreport file and send me a copy.